Scrappers' Anonymous

Scrappers' Anonymous
Victoria, BC's Premier Scrapbooking Store #2-50 Burnside Road West, Victoria, BC 250-590-1266

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Savings Spectacular!

These Summer Savings Spectacular Specials are for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!

This Sale STILL ON!!! 35% off selected Items:
Shown here is a sampling of some of the items that are on the 35% OFF Shelf! Come on in and find some fabulous papercrafting treasures at fabulous prices!

THIS SALE NOW OVER: ALL SPELLBINDERS DIES $23.95 for a limited time! They are going fast! We sold

out of 12 different ones yesterday!

NOW at an EVERYDAY Low Price! BIG SHOT machine $109.95 + tax. Our sale went so well on the Big Shot, that we have lowered our regular price, to give you an everyday low price! We carry many products that work with the Big Shot machine....come check out the many possibilities.

Happy Saving while papercrafting!
